As leading truss manufacturers in the Carolinas, we trust our process to ensure every truss design is built to the highest standards.
Check out our Video of the Auto Omni in action.
Step 2: Materials & Cut LumberAll Truss makes all Cut lumber for truss designs on Auto Omni 5 Saw here in our wood truss manufacturing plant outside of Charlotte. Features fully automated setup w/ full power length and all axis angulation, single sided setup from operator console. Which means your project gets done quicker and all cuts are automated ensuring accuracy.
Step 3: Build TrussesWe build trusses using Virtek laser system. The Virtek® TrussLine® system makes pre-fabricated wood and steel truss manufacturing at our Charlotte area plant streamlined so that your team is more productive. With All Truss system you can project a laser template of the truss to be built onto the work surface, highlighting position and shape of all truss joints and connector plates eliminating the need for measuring, squaring and stringing